This is a real problem, I've actually had a Michael Ray imposer trying to hit on me! Don't engage with them! Watch this video! Check for the check mark!
Blake Shelton And Other Artists Warn Fans About Fake Social Media AccountsJun 29, 2018The Bottom Line: Blake, Keith, Kelly and more star in new PSA for fans
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Artists like Blake Shelton, Keith Urban, Kelly Clarkson and more are warning fans against fake social media accounts in a new PSA. In the video, the stars make sure the public knows that the only social media accounts with their names that they should pay attention to feature a little blue check mark by it.
“I’m Blake Shelton, and I want to talk to you about something that’s important: Imposters on social media,” Blake shares in the PSA. “Every day, we’ve noticed more and more people” setting up fake accounts, and pretending to be artists on social media, with some of these fake accounts asking fans for money. He adds, “So we want to make sure you know how to spot the signs of the fake accounts. Like the one called Blakey Shelton. That’s bulls**t. Never give out any of your private information.”
Other artists in the video include Hunter Hayes, Kip Moore, Rascal Flatts, MarenMorris, Brett Young and many, many more.