My Cheat Foods aren't even on the list! WTH! My favorite cheat food is a brownie with frosting ~ the richer the better, followed by cheese and wine!
Nutritionists are divided about the idea of “cheat days” in your diet. Some say “cheating” is a normal part of a healthy diet, but others feel like it makes your eating habits seem restricted and temporary. But right or wrong, dieters like the phrase “cheat day” and they’re not afraid to use it on social media.
So Defend Your Health analyzed more than half a million Instagram posts tagged #CheatDay and #CheatMeal, and they learned a lot about the way people cheat on their diets. They crunched the numbers and figured out which states post about cheating the most and what dieters are eating when they cheat.
The “Cheating” States
New Yorkers (they use #CheatDay and #CheatMeal on the ‘Gram more than anyone else - over twice as much!)
New Jersey
The Cheating Foods
Burgers (won by a landslide, with 51,000 mentions)
Cake (a distant second at 30,000 mentions)