Brain Food...Is It The News...Or Not?

Which is true? 

The Headlines: 

  • Home Baker Accidentally Invents New Pastry While Trying to Fix Fail (FAKE) 
  • “Human Calculator” Breaks Six World Records In One Day At 14 (REAL)  

If you’re old enough, you remember being told in school that “You won’t always have a calculator with you” in math class. There’s at least one person who does, and he’s now a multiple record-holder at 14. Aaryan Shukla set his first world record last year by recording the fastest time to mentally add 50 five-digit numbers on a TV show, doing it in 25.19-seconds. He also holds the record for the fastest times to add 100 four-digit numbers, 200 four-digit numbers, 50 five-digit numbers, divide a 20-digit number by a 10-digit number, multiply two five-digit numbers, and multiply two eight-digit numbers. The boy nicknamed the “Human Calculator” by Guinness World Records says he practices math for five to six hours a day to stay sharp for competitions.  

  • Man Trains His Dog to Fetch Specific Herbs From the Garden on Command (FAKE)

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