Whole30 Challenge - Day 26 and LOVIN' IT!!!

I'm on Day 26 of the Whole30 and I am loving it. I'm preparing foods that I've never made before and they are delicious, like Seared Tuna, Scallops and more! I feel like I'm eating like a queen. Giving up processed foods makes you feel do great! I've adapted to some of the challenges better than I thought I would too. I do wish I could eat like this all of the time.

I love this recipe I found: An easy protien breakfast smootie: I learned that you can't freeze bannana's with the skin on! LOL!, I used almond butter from the Natural Grocery Store! This is super delicious! 

What do I miss the most? Eating out at restaurants, wine and desserts! One of the first places I want to go when I'm done is the new 30Hop Restaurant in CR! I also want to go to Olive Garden for this dessert! 

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